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Lesstroyproekt LLC is in Kaliningrad in "Lesobalt"

25 October 2019

25 October 2019

The company Lesstroyproekt is constantly in search of innovations and fresh solutions! Even when all the processes are fine-tuned, the technologies are worked out, and the work goes on as usual, we cannot afford to relax and rest on our laurels. And where to get inspiration and new ideas for fruitful work, if not from the largest representatives of our industry?

As part of the days of the Kostroma region in Kaliningrad, we visited the largest woodworking enterprise in the region "Lesobalt". It is an international company with high-tech production and automated management.

We got a unique opportunity to exchange valuable experience with colleagues and learn a lot of new information! We can't wait to implement our knowledge and go ahead-to conquer new heights!!!


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